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RevX Systems named in Gartner's Market Guide for IoT MVNO enabler's
For Immediate Release Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:11:00 AM MST

RevX enables companies to deliver, manage, and monetize 5G/LTE connectivity and software services.

ALISO VIEJO, CA - NOVEMBER 7, 2022 – RevX Systems makes the grade in the annual Gartner review of IoT MNO/MVNO technologies on the topic of MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enablement) platform elements that scale and accelerate the delivery of IoT connectivity to end users without the need to develop complex and time consuming custom infrastructure.

Key Findings:

  • The Internet of Things mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE) market is complex, with different vendor types covering diverse Internet of Things (IoT) MVNE capabilities. But this market is mainly focused on network infrastructure, IoT Connectivity, BSS and OSS, and regulatory compliance.
  • IoT enterprise MVNOs require composable IoT connectivity platform aggregation on top of their existing IoT connectivity vendors or regional LTE and 5G private mobile deployments to provide a single pane of glass to integrate with their IoT infrastructure.
  • Tailored IoT BSS and OSS solutions are increasing demand by helping service vendors monetize niche segments that are underserved by traditional mobile network operators.

Read the full report by clicking here

RevX Systems, Corp.
(949) 200-7589

Gartner MVNE Report